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 年 ~ 

高速実験炉「常陽」運転経験報告書; 1次主・補助冷却系運転実績

Operation experience report of experimental fast reactor JOYO; Operation expelience of primary main and auxiliary cooling systems of JOYO

軽部 浩二; 山崎 学; 吉野 和章; 佐藤 聡; 河井 雅史; 田村 政昭

Karube, Koji; not registered; not registered; not registered; Kawai, Masashi; not registered


This report describes the operating experience of the primary main cooling system from January 1982 to March 1992, and of the primary auxiliary cooling system from october 1986 to March 1992. 0ut lines of the operating experience ale followings; There have been no serious troubles in this period. (1)The main system; Operation time of the circulation pumps are about 67675 hours. Accumulated operation time of the pumps are about 105970 hours. The pumps has been started 212 times. (2)The auxiliary system; Operation time of the circulation pump (EMP) is about 4767 hours. Accumulated operation time of the pump is about 8667 hours. The pump has been automatically started 31 times with the scheduled test.



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