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Report No.

Preparation of computer codes for analyzing sensitivity coefficients of burnup characteristics(II)

not registered; Sanda, Toshio*; not registered

To develop nuclear design of LMFBR cores, they are important subjects of research and development to improve the accuracy in nuclear design of large LMFBR cores and to design highly efficient core more rationally. The adjusted nuclear cross-section library has beeen made by being reflected the result of critical experiment of the JUPITER, etc. effectively as much as possible. And the distinct improvement of the accuracy in nuclear design of large LMFBR cores has been achieved. In the design of large LMFBR cores, however, it is important to accurately estimate not only nuclear characteristics, for example, reaction rate distribution and control rod worth but also burnup characteristics, for example, burnup reactivity loss, breeding ratio and so on. Therefore, it is thought to improve the prediction accuracy for burnup characteristics using many burnup data of "JOYO" effectively. It is thought the best way to adjust cross-sections using sensitivity coefficients of burnup characteristics to utilize burnup data of "JOYO". It is able to know the accuracy quantitatively for burnup characteristics of large LMFBR by analyzing the sensitivity coefficients. Therefore in this work computer codes for analyzing sensitivity coefficients of burnup characteristics had been prepared since 1992. In 1992 cross-sections adjustment was done by using the data of "JOYO" and the effect was studied. In this year the adequacy of the codes was studied with a view of applying to design of large LMFBR cores. The results are as follows: (1)The computer codes which could analyze sensitivity coefficients of burnup characteristics taking into consideration plural cycles and refueling were prepared, therefore it came to be able to adjust cross-section using burnup data and to estimate the accuracy for design of large LMFBR cores. The characteristics are not only burnup reactivity loss, breeding ratio but also number density, criticality, reactivity worth, reaction rate ratio, and ....



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