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Report No.

DCA Handbook(II); Input constants for nuclear calculation

Aihara, Nagafumi; not registered

Input constants of fuels or structural materials which compose the core were summarized to perform a nuclear calculation. These fuels or structural materials were produced to perform experiments of reactor physics by using deuterium critical Assembly(DCA). Although a part of DCA input constants were shown in the previous DCA handbook (I) published as the first edition(SN941 74-22), a report of this time was summarized on new fuels or structural materials produced after those such as multi-fuel rods cluster, high enriched fuels, fuels with Gd$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ and so on. Input constants are consisted of composition, density and dimension on each material and are made of score-sheets or mill- sheets based on the fabrication materials. These input constants are utilized for the analysis of criticality safety experiment to measure sub-criticality that is our program in near future.



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