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Report No.

Realistic contamination control methods at $$alpha$$ and $$beta$$($$gamma$$) nuclide coexistence facilities

Ando, Hideki; not registered

At the light water reactors with no fuel failure, radioactive contamination control is needed for $$beta$$($$gamma$$) nuclides such as $$^{60}$$Co and $$^{54}$$Mn. On the other hand, at the nuclear facilities where irradiated fuels (spent fuels) are handred, contamination control is needed for many kinds of $$alpha$$ and $$beta$$($$gamma$$) nuclides. There are three facilities where destructive testing of irradiated fuels and materials is done at Oarai Engineering Center. The ratios of the nuclidc composition are considerably stable at these facilities. Therefore, daily contamination control is cxecuted by measuring total (gross) $$beta$$($$gamma$$) activity with paying attention to the representative nuclides such as $$^{239}$$Pu, $$^{241}$$Pu and $$^{90}$$Sr. The investigation about the ratios of the nuclide composition, the basic idea of the contamination control, and the reality of the contamination control in the facilities are reported.



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