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Report No.

Nuclear and thermal calculations on a hybrid System combining an electron accelerator and a fission reactor core

not registered; Nomura, Masahiro  ; not registered   

At present, a high power CW(Continuous Wave) electron linac accelerator is under development in PNC as a part of transmutation study by accelerators. As one of applied uses, we study a hybrid reactor system combining the linac and a subcritical core with TRU fuel. This report shows nuclear and thermal calculation results to obtain characteristics of the system. In the system, an electron beam from the linac is injected into a target located in the center of the system. In the first place, the injected electrons generate photons of $$gamma$$ ray via Bremsstrahlung production. After this, these photons produce neutrons by ($$gamma$$, n) reactions. As a result, an extinguished quantity of TRU fuel is about 0.1kg when the electron beam of incident energy 100 MeV is injected into the target over 1 year. It is proven that the system might be established from the point of thermal engineering. The hybrid reactor system can also use a proton accelerator instead of the electron one. Nuclear and thermal calculation will be performed on the system using the proton accelerator. Comparison of the extinguished quantity of TRU fuel will be performed between calculation results of both systems.



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