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 年 ~ 


Estimation of nuclear characteristics for DCA two-region core loaded with test fuel Assembly using MK-I fuels of JOYO

毛利 智聡

Mori, Tomoaki


In criticality Engineering Section, experiments for sub-criticality measurements by use with DCA (Deuterium Critical Assmbly) two-region core loaded with the test fuel assembly using MK-I fuels of JOYO are planed for the purpose of performing the study of sub-criticality measurements, Through this report, nuclear characteristics of DCA two-region core loaded with MK-I test fuels bave been understood with the satisfaction of DCA nuclear limits. And also, the composition of test fuel assembly in DCA core was decided from these results. SCALE4.2 code system including KENO-V with multi-group monte carlo method was used in order to calculate these nuclear characteristics. The estimated items of nuclear characteristics are critical heavy water height, heavy water level reactivity coefficient, heavy water dump reactivity and safety rod reactivity worth.



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