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Report No.

Development of a standard data base for FBR core nuclear design (VI): JUPITER-II experimental data book

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The present report compiles the experimental data of JUPITER Phase-II, which was a joint research program between U.S. DOE and PNC of Japan, using the ZPPR facility, which stands for Zero Power Physics Reactor at ANL-Idaho in l982 to l984. The JUPITER-II experiment was a series of critical experiments for conventional radial heterogeneous cores of 650 MWe class LMFBR, including six experimental cores. The nuclear characteristics recorded here include criticality, control rod reactivity, reaction rate distribution, sodium void reactivity, sample reactivity, Doppler reactivity and gamma heating. The present work is a part of efforts to develop a standard data base for LMFBR core nuclear design at PNC. The detail of experimental data is thoroughly recorded here so as to re-analyze these experiments in future. In addition, these experimental data are installed in the computer system at OEC for convenience of analytical code input.



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