Preparation of a basic data base for shielding design (II)
竹村 守雄*
Takemura, Morio*
With use of a standard groupwise shielding design library JSSTDL produced from the latest evaluated nuclear data library JENDL-3.2, experimental analyses for the Axial Shield Experiment (homogeneous and central blockage type shield configurations with BC or stainless steel shield material) were performed. The results were compared with those obtained by the same analysis method and input data using JSDJ2 library that had been applied consistently to the JASPER experiment analyses. In general, the results with JSSTDL analyses are higher than those by JSDJ2 as were found in analyses in last year for the Radial Shield Attenuation Experiment and the Special Materials Experiment. Consideration was made on the discrepancies between JSSTDL and JSDJ2 analysis results of the Axial Shield Experiment and also those of the sodium configulation in the Radial Shield Attenuation Experiment. The former was done by exchange of macro cross section of each region, and the latter forcused on sodium cross section was done with use of cross section sensitivity analysis method. Compilation of the input data necessary for future reanalyses of important configurations in JASPER experiments, that were selected in previous study in last year, were continued and new data were added into the computer disk holding previous ones.