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Report No.

The Report on JOYO plant safety for sodium leak and fire protection; The result of checks of equipment

not registered; not registered; Isozaki, Kazunori ; not registered ; not registered; Nagai, Akinori; not registered

On the 8th in December 1995, the secondary sodium leak accident occurred at Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor MONJU. Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO was under the 11th periodical inspection then. Total review of the JOYO plant for check of the sodium leak related equipment, check of manuals, and a practice of disaster prevention for sodium leak, and so on were made to have assurance of plant safety, which was required based on official report of MONJU sodium leak accident. Moreover, we properly improved the equipment and reinvestigated the plant management. As the result of these checks, evaluations and improvements, plant safety for sodium leak and fire was secured, and JOYO was started reactor operation on the 3rd in March 1997 after the confirmation by Science and Technology Agency (STA) and Ibaraki prefecture, and on 24th, JOYO passed the 11th periodical inspection, and began to operate the JOYO plant duty cycle. This report describes about the result of those checks of equipment.



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