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 年 ~ 


Applicability study of non-linear reasoning for nuclear plant operation

吉川 信治 ; 米川 強; 須田 一則 ; 長谷川 信

Yoshikawa, Shinji; not registered; not registered; Hasegawa, Makoto


Achievement of improved operation safety of complex nuclear power plants by decision-making functions based on information processing technologies requires real time concluding to be in-time for plant state evolutions, transparency for human operators to understand the derived conclusion, and robustness against local defects inevitably hidden in huge amount of the referred information. These requirements can not be met by the simple rule-based reasoning. The study introduced in this report put a focus on the robustness of the three requirements. This study derives the required feature of robust decision making, after thinking of possible contribution of fast emerging measurement technologies. Finally, two concrete algorithm based on mutual evaluation of relatively simple diagnostic modules are implemented on computer systems and evaluated in views of applicability.



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