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Report No.

Shielding evaluation on injector test in quantum technology development facility

Omura, Akiko; Toyama, Shinichi  ; Hasegawa, Makoto; Tani, Satoshi

JNC is investingating the best way to treat high-level radioactive nuclear waste from reactors. For basic research into the transmutation of fission products, JNC developed a high-power CW electron linac. Shielding of the radiation which leaks from beam dump and accelerating tube, it is necessary to establish the technology which can deal with the current enlargement as well as other accelerator element. In this report, shielding evaluation injector test of high-power CW electron linac is reported. As a result of the shielding evaluation, it was obtained that the management of the radiation was possible in the injector test under the dose equivalent limit. And, it was possible that problems such as operation and maintenance.



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