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Report No.

Study of assessing aqueous reprocessing process for the pipeless reprocessing plant

not registered; not registered; Fumoto, Hiromichi*; not registered; not registered

The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of new reprocessing process for the purpose of introducing pipeless plant concept, where aqueous separation methods other than solvent extraction method are adopted in order to develop more economical FBR fuel (MOX fuel) reprocessing process. At it's first stage, literature survey on precipitation method, crystallization method and ion-exchange method was performed. Based on the results, following processes were candidated for pipeless reprocessing plant. (1)The process adopting crystallization method and peroxide precipitation method (2)The process adopting oxalate precipitation method (3)The process under mild aqueous conditions (crystallization method and precipitation method) (4)The process adopting crystallization method and ion-exchange method (5)The process adopting crystallization method and solvent extraction method The processes (1)$$sim$$(5) were compared with each others in terms of competitiveness to the conventional reference process, and merits and demerits were evaluated from the viewpoint of applicability to pipeless reprocessing plant, safety, economy, Efficiencies in consumption of Resources, non-proliferation, and, Operation and Maintenance. As a result, (1)The process adopting crystallization method and peroxide precipitation method was selected as the most reasonable process to pipeless plant. Preliminary criticality safety analyses, main process chemical flowsheet, main equipment list and layout of mobile vessels and stations were reported for the (1) process.



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