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Report No.

Study on the nuclide behavior in nuclear fuel recycling system

Fujii, Toshiyuki*; not registered

For establishing a recycling system based on low-decontamination, the distribution behaviors of radionuclides in the process are essential information for the design of the system. Molybdenum and palladium are less radioactive fission products, but attention should be paid to them because they are likely to extremely affect the performance of the recycled fuels. In this context, in this study, the extraction behaviors of molybdenum and palladium under conditions of PUREX and TRUEX extraction process were experimentally studied, and their chemical mechanisms were discussed. In cojunction with the extraction experiments, absorption spectrometry was applied to identify the related species and the extraction mechanism. As a result, knowledge for the distribution characteristics of molybdenum and palladium in PUREX and TRUEX process was reinforced.



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