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SIMMER-III Analytic Thermophysical Property Model


守田 幸路; 飛田 吉春; 近藤 悟; E.A.Fischer*

Morita, Koji; Tobita, Yoshiharu; kondo, Satoru; E.A.Fischer*


An analytic thermophysical property model using general function forms is developed for a reactor safety analysis code, SIMMER-III. The function forms arc designed to represent correct behavior of properties of reactor-core materials over wide temperature ranges, especially for the thermal conductivity and the viscosity near the critical point. The most up-to-date and reliable sources for uranium dioxide, mixed-oxide fuel, stainless stee1, and sodium available at present are used to determine parameters in the proposed functions. This model is also designed to be consistent with a SIMMER-III model on thermodynamic properties and equations of state for reactor-corc materials.



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