SIMMER-III による高密度比気液二相プールの流動解析
SIMMER-III Analysis, of Gas-Liquid Flow with Large Liquid Density
鈴木 徹; 飛田 吉春
Suzuki, Toru; Tobita, Yoshiharu
レーザー共鳴イオン化分光法は、近年、超高感度の微量元素分析や効率的な同位体分離などの先端技術として脚光を浴びており、レーザー性能の向上と相まって、さらに広範な工学応用への展開が見込まれている。本研究は、このレーザー共鳴イオン化分光と質量分析計からなるRIMS(Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry)を活用し、従来のXe,KrなどのFPガスモニタリングによる破損燃料検出及び位置決め法(Failed Fuel Detection and Location:FFDL)の高精度化及び高性能化とともに、技術革新の可能性を検討するものである。平成8年度から11年度に渡って、核燃料サイクル機構先行基礎工学分野における協力研究の下で、東京大学工学系研究科原子力工学研究施設に設置された高速中性子科学研究設備(共同利用設備)のレーザー共鳴イオン化質量分析システムを用い、Xe,Krの検出限界やS/N比などの基本性能を明らかにする基礎実験と理論的評価とともに、高速実験炉「常陽」のカバーガス分析を対象とする実証試験を行った。その結果、本研究で提案するRIMS-FFDL法は、従来のFFDL法と比較して、感度、S/N比、迅速検出性の基本的な要求性能を同時に満たすことができ、さらに「もんじゅ」で使われるタグガス法と組み合わせると、オンラインで簡便にFPガス同位体比分析が行える画期的なFFDLシステムの構築が可能との結論が得られた。
The transition phase analysis code SIMMER-III has been developed to appropriately evaluate the core disruptive accident in a fast breeder reactor. The momentum exchange model used in the fluid dynamics portion of the code uses the conventional correlation based on ordinary flows such as air-water flows. lt has already been confirmed that this code can represent the experimental results of ordinary flows. However, more detailed research is needed to confirm that this code is applicable to two-phase flow with large liquid density, which would be formed in an actual molten core pool. In addition, since the shapes of bubbles affect their drag in the bubbly flow where the liquid and the gas form continuous and dispersed phases, respectively, it is necessary to take this effect of bubble shape into account to improve SIMMER-III's analytical precision. ln this study, using experimental results obtained through a joint research program with Kyoto university, the momentum exchange model of SIMMER-III is assessed with regard to the bubbly flow regime of two-phase flow with large liquid density, on which experimental data and information on bubble shapes had been lacking. This study suggests that the original SIMMER-III can appropriately represent the characteristics of bubbly flows containing ellipsoidal bubbles with relatively small gas flux. Moreover, this study shows that the precision of SIMMER-III for bubbly flows containing cap bubbles with relatively large gas flux is much improved by using Kataoka-lshii's correlation to determine the drag coefficient of bubbles in the momentum exchange model.