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Report No.

Development of a standard database for FBR core nuclear design (XI); Analysis of the experimental fast reactor "JOYO" MK-I start up test and oparation data

not registered   ; Numata, Kazuyuki*

Japan Nuclear Cycle Development lnstitute (JNC) had developed the adjusted nuclear cross-section library in which the results of the JUPITER experiments were renected. Using this adjusted library, the distinct improvement of the accuracy in nuclear design of FBR cores had been achieved. As a recent research, JNC develops a database of other integral data in addition to the JUPITER experiments, aiming at further improvement for accuracy and reliability. ln this report, the authors describe the evaluation of the C/E values and the sensitivity analysis for the Experimental Fast Reactor "JOYO" MK-l core. The minimal criticality, sodium void reactivity worth, fuel assembly worth and burn-up coefficient were analyzed. The results of both the minimal criticality and the fuel assembly worth, which were calculated by the standard analytical method for JUPITER experiments, agreed well with the measured values. 0n the other hand, the results of the sodium void reactivity worth have a tendency to overestimate. As for the burn-up coefficient, it was seen that the C/E values had a dispersion among the operation cycles. The authors judged that further investigation for the estimation of the experimental error will increase the applicability of the integral data to the adjusted library. Furthermore, sensitivity analyses for the minimal criticality, sodium void reactivity worth and fuel assembly worth showed the characteristics of "JOYO" MK-l core in comparison with ZPPR-9 core of JUPITER experiments.



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