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 年 ~ 

機器上下免震構造の開発(第9報 コモンデッキ方式上下免震構造の振動試験 その2)

Development of seismic isolation system in vertical direction; Report No.9 Horizontal dynamic tests of a common deck isolation structure

大岡 誠; 堀切 守人

not registered; not registered


A structure concept of vertical seismic isolation system which uses a common deck and a set of large dish springs was created in past studies. In this report, a series of dynamic tests on a small scale model of a common deck isolation structure were performed. The model was excited by random and seismic waves in the horizontal direction and 2-D excitation, horizontal and vertical, in order to identify the characteristics of isolation effect. The tests results are summarized as below. (1)This structure has three vibration mode. The second mode is rocking. (2)Rocking frequency depends on the excitation, for this structure has dish spring which contact with cylinders. Rocking damping varies from 2 to 8%. (3)Each mode's response peak frequency to 2-D (horizontal and vertical) excitation is almost the same the some to horizontal excitation. Vertical mode damping to 2-D excitation is about three times to horizontal excitation. (4)Isolation effect depends on a characteristics of frequency of input motion. The minimum response is to the Monju design seismic wave, soil shear wave: Vs=2000m/sec, natural frequency of horizontal isolation in vertical direction: fv=20Hz. A relative displacement is controlled. (5)A rocking angular displacement to 2-D excitation is about 2 times to 1-D excitation (vertical). However, it is about l.2E-4(rad), sufficiently small for a practical plant.



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