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 年 ~ 

高速炉大型ナトリウム機器の解体・洗浄 50MW中間熱交換器(IHX)の解体・洗浄

Dismantling and sodium removal of the large sodium equipment for FBR; Dismantling and sodium removal of the intermediate heat exchanger of the 50MW steam generator test facility

軍司 稔; 山本 晋平; 小野島 貴光

not registered; not registered; not registered


Fast breeder reactors use metallic sodium as a coolant, therefore, sodium removal is necessary in the dismantling. An intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) exchanges heat between primary and secondary sodium. The dismantling and sodium removal of IHX is difficult because of the future of IHX such as residing of sodium on both primary and secondary surface, existing of the cover gas region, large amount of bulk residual sodium. In the dismantling and sodium removal of the 50MWt IHX, the effective and safe procedure of dismantling and sodium removal was carefullny examined to prevent of sodium ignition and large sodium water reaction and to store safely during the dismantling. Sodium carbonation had been carried out by introducing carbon dioxide in the IHX at the 50MW Steam Generator Test Facility (50MWSGTF) to prevent sodium ignition. After separation to inner shroud and outer shell, each part was transported to the sodium processing facility where each part was dismantled and sodium was removed by steam cleaning device in the atmosphere. Followings are the major results of this experience. (1)Expelimentally obtained sodium shearing force of 0.3 MPa was confirmed by the separation of inner shroud and outer shell (2)No sodium ignition was observed during the dismantling. Therefore introducing carbon dioxide to IHX could be effective. (3)When quantity and condition of residual sodium cannot be confirmed visually, it is important to control steam volume in nitrogen gas and control reaction between sodium and steam. And also it is important to avoid quick approach for the sodium removal observation due to time delay of sodium and steam reaction after steam injection. (4)Sodium removal weight was about 60kg. The residual sodium of the sodium dipped area was about 0.23mg/cm$$^{3}$$ and it was about l3.7mg/cm$$^{3}$$ in the cover gas region. (5)The tube bundle rotation was effective for the improvement in safety and efficiency of the cleaning and decommissioning. A newly ...



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