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Report No.

A Study on the reprocessing of spent FBR-fuel by ion exchange - II

not registered; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Kumagai, Mikio*

In order to develop an economically efficient wet separation process other than solvent extraction for reprocessing spent FBR-fuel (MOX fuel), we have investigated the possibility of an advanced ion exchange process. Based on the results of fundamental research and the fruits of this research in last year, the proposed FBR-fuel reprocessing process which consists of anion exchange separation and extraction chromatography separation has been studicd quantitatively from the engineering aspect. The plant concept, construction cost, applicability of this process were investigated and preliminarily evaluated. The proposed process was improved to reduce the amounts of operation solution and waste generation, and to enhance the properties of the impregnation adsorbents for MA separation. The mass balance including waste generation in main processes was evaluated. The operation flow sheets for each process were drawn. The main machines were conceptually designed. Furthermore, conceptual design for the reprocessing plant using ion exchange and extraction chromatography was executed and the installation layouts of the machines, equipment and facilities were examined and designed. Based on the research results, the construction cost for the reprocessing plant was estimated and compared with the existing PUREX plant. Finally, the subjects resulted from the introduction of the ion exchange process were extracted and the considerations for solving these subjects were also indicated.



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