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Report No.

Analyses for experiment on sodium-water reaction temperature by the CHAMPAGNE code

not registered; Kishida, Masako*; not registered

In this work, analyses on sodium-water reaction temperaturc in the new SWAT-1(SWAT-1R) test were completed by the CHAMPAGNE code in order to understand void and velocity distribution in sodium system, which was difficult to be measured in experiments. The application method of the RELAP5/Mod2 code was investigated to LMFBR steam generator(SG)blow down analysis, too. The following results were obtained. (1)Analyses on sodium-water reaction temperature in the SWAT-1R test. (a)Analyses were carried out for the SWAT-1R test under the condition water leak rate 600 g/s by treating thc pressure loss coefficient, the interface friction coefficient and the coefficient related to reaction rate as parameters. The effect and mechanism of each parameter on the shape of rcaction zone were well understood by these analyses. (b)The void and velocity distribution in sodium system were estimated by use of the most suitable parameters. These analytical results are expected to be useful for planning of the SWAT-1R test and evaluation of test result. (2)Investgation of the RELAP5/Mod2 code. (a)The items to be improved in the RELAP5/Mod2 code were clarified to apply this code to the FBR SG blow down analysis. (b)One of these items was an addition of the shell-side (sodium-side) model. A sodium-side model was designed and added to the RELAP5/Mod2 code. Test calculations were carried out by this improved code and the basic function of this code was confirmed.



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