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Report No.

Development of decommissioning management system; DECMAN

not registered; Kondo, Hitoshi; Tanimoto, Kenichi

In operation of nuclear fuel cycle facility's decommissioning, it is necessary to decide the decommissioning plan based on 5 evaluation pointers, that is, number of men, period, exposure dose, abundance of waste, cost, and to control the project in proportion to ad hoc in the progress of the plan. The planning works have enormous counting and calculation operation. If you do the work in manual operation, it would be spend enormous labor. The system that evaluated and optimizes the decommissioning scenario has been developed. The system is called DECMAN (Decommissioning management system). DECMAN calculates the 5 evaluation points, which evaluates the decommissioning on the computer. The operator evaluates the decommissioning scenario and optimizes, taking the calculated evaluation index. DECMAN is composed of evaluation code, facilities information database. "G2" and "Oracle" are used for a base application. (1)DECMAN calculates the 5 evaluation points, that is number of men, periods, and exposure dose, abundance of waste, cost in each WBS, and totals the evaluation index all in the scenario. (2)The features of DECMAN are, by dividing the work of decommissioning work into WBS of the work minimum unit, and easily making the scenario by putting these WBS together in the set. This is the report-integrated result of DECMAN development.



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