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Report No.

Development of a double-wall-tube steam generator; DNB test data

not registered ; not registered; not registered; Yatabe, Toshio

DNB (Departure from Nucleate Boiling) test were executed by a 1MWt Double-Wall-Tube Steam Generator. This data report describes the temperature fluctuation of the outer tube and sodium around DNB region. Furthermore, this report includes the temperature fluctuation of the inner surface of the inner tube obtained by removing noise of the original DNB signal and calculating heat flux of the tube, too. It also mentions the influence of the test parameter such as water flow rate on DNB period and DNB region length. All the DNB data described in this report were recorded by the data acquisition system of the small steam generator test facility. The contents are as followings : (1)1MW double-wall-tube steam generator, test method and test condition (2)The length of DNB region (3)DNB temperature fluctuation of the outer tube and sodium (experimental data) (4)The spectrum of DNB temperature fluctuation (5)DNB temperature fluctuation of the inner surface of the inner tube (calculation data)



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