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Report No.

Sodium pool bubbling experiment by hydrogen

Takai, Toshihide  ; Nakagiri, Toshio  ; Hamada, Hirotsugu  

A sodium pool bubbling test was conducted to investigate tbe hydrogen combustion behavior under sodium-concrete reaction accident. FRAT-1 test vessel (Volume of 3m$$^{3}$$) of SAPFIRE (Safety Phenomenology Test on Sodium Leak, Fire and Aerosol) facility was used for the test. The sodium combustion pot of $$phi$$ 97mm was installed in FRAF-1 test vessel. Sodium was burned at the maximum hydrogen injection rate of 9.5$$times$$10$$^{-3}$$Nm$$^{3}$$/m$$^{2}$$sec, which was determined value based on past sodium-concrete reaction experiments. And the recombination rate of hydrogen was estimated. From the results, the following conclusions were obtained: (1)The recombination rate of supplied hydrogen was 99% or more. (2)It is considered that the burning form of the supplied hydrogen is laminar nonpremixed name based on the molecular diffusion between hydrogen and oxygen. (3)Most of vapor generated by hydrogen combustion was seemed to consume by chemical reaction with sodium aerosol in the atomosphere.



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