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Report No.

Evaluation on the fretting abrasion of heat-transfer tubes of the integrated IHX/primary sodium pump (1); Workrate analyses model

not registered ; Igawa, Kenichi*

The cost minimization of commercialized FBR plant systems requires the integration of an intermediate-heat-exchanger (IHX) and a primary sodium mechanical pump into one component. The pump is installed in the center of the integrated component and heat transfer tubes surround the pump. Primary sodium flows down inside the heat transfer tubes and secondary sodium flows up outside the tubes in a zigzag. Therefore, the pump rotation and sodium flow induce the vibration of heat transfer tubes and it leads the tubes to fretting wearing against support plates. Then the tube wearing must be evaluated to confirm its integrity during the plant life span (60 years). However, the knowledge of the pump rotation influence on tube wearing is not sufficiently acquired because the integrated component is a new concept in JNC. To evaluate the tube fretting wearing ratio due to the pump rotation, a new calculation model of FINAS was composed. In the first place, the beam vibration analysis model of a pump shaft, shells, tube bundle etc. of the integrated component reveals its properties such as frequency, amplitude and vibration mode. In the second place, based on the above mentioned vibration analysis, the frequency and amplitude of abrasion between the tubes and support plates can be obtained by a contact analysis model of FINAS. Eventuany, this calculation shows that the tube wearing will not affect the tube integrity during the plant life time. However further evaluation by more detailed analysis and abrasion tests are needed to obtain more accurate results.



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