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Report No.

Analysis Results on BFS-62-3A Experiment Using IPPE Standard System

Semenov, M.

This report is devoted to analysis of experimental studies performed on BFS-62-3A critical assembly in Russia. The objective of work is verification of the TRIGEX code for reactor neutronics analysis as applied to the hybrid core of the BN-600 reactor of Beloyarskaya NPP. Calculation models are described in the report, and results of analysis are compared with experimental data. The analysis was made by using the TRIGEX code mainly. FFCP code was used for taking into account heterogeneous structure of the BFS fuel regions. This code was coupled with the TRIGEX code for preparing averaged macro and micro cross-sections. Also, in the report, results of Monte-Carlo calculations with MMKKENO code are described. These calculations were used; first of all, for definition "reference" criticality and for confirming of correction values obtained with deterministic codes. The ABBN-93 system with the constant preparation CONSYST code was used as cross-section base. The following parameters were analyzed: criticality, control rod worth, sodium void reactivity effect, fission rate distribution and central reaction cross-section ratios (spectral indices). On the average, the differences between analytical results based on TRIGEX code calculations and experimental data do not exceed the following values: (1)0.1% $$Delta$$k/k - for k$$_{eff}$$, (2)6% - for control rod worth, (3)4% - for fission rate distribution within the core, (4)0.2 pcm/kg - for sodium void reactivity effect This work is related to the JNC-IPPE Collaboration on Experimental Investigation of Excess Weapon Pu Disposition in BN-600 Reactor using BFS-2 Facility.



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