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Report No.

Comparison study on cell calculation method of fast reactor

Chiba, Go

Effective cross sections obtained by cell calculations are used in core calculations in current deterministic methods. Therefore, it is important to calculate the effective cross sections accurately and several methods have been proposed. In this study, some of the methods are compared to each other using a continuous energy Monte Carlo method as a reference. The result shows that the table look-up method used in Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) sometimes has a difference over 10% in effective microscopic cross sections and be inferior to the sub-group method. The problem was overcome by introducing a new nuclear constant system developed in JNC, in which the ultra fine energy group library is used. The system can also deal with resonance interaction effects between nuclides which are not able to be considered by other methods. In addition, a new method was proposed to calculate effective cross section accurately for power reactor fuel subassembly where the new nuclear constant system cannot be applied. This method uses the sub-group method and the ultra fine energy group collision probability method. The microscopic effective cross sections obtained by this method agree with the reference values within 5% difference.



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