FBRサイクル導入シナリオの検討(IV) -サイクル諸量の観点からのFBR導入シナリオの評価-
Study on the FBR Cycle Introduction Scenario IV -Evaluation of the FBR Cycle Introduction Scenario from the Viewpoints of the Fuel Cycle Requirements-
小野 清
; 久保田 貞衣*; 辺田 正則*; 塩谷 洋樹; 平尾 和則
Ono, Kiyoshi; Kubota, Sadae*; Heta, Masanori*; Shiotani, Hiroki; Hirao, Kazunori
This report is intended to explain the outline of the scenario studies on FBR (Fast Breeder Reactor) cycle introduction. Recently, people value the reduction of environmental impact in addition to the recycle of energy resources and the energy security in these scenario studies. This report summarizes the analysis about the necessity of plutonium recycling in LWR (Light Water Reactor) from short-term view and about the necessity of FBR cycle introduction from a long-term view in Japan, by comparing "FBR scenario" with "LWR once-through scenario" and "Pu recycle in LWR scenario", from the viewpoints of cumulative uranium demand, spent fuel storage, radioactive waste arising, etc. It becomes clear that the plutonium recycling in LWR has a good effect on the reduction of spent fuel storage and the cumulative natural uranium demand before FBR cycle introduction, from short-term view (20 - 30 years). On the other hand, this analysis also shows that there is much effect of FBR deployment not only on saving amount of uranium use and energy security but also on reduction of high-level radioactive waste (spent fuels and vitrified waste) and minor actinide arising, from long-term view (100 - 200 years).