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Report No.

Renewal of JOYO Plant Operation Management Expert Tool (JOYPET)

not registered; Aita, Tsuyoshi; Murakami, Takanori; Ito, Hideaki; Aoki, Hiroshi; Odo, Toshihiro

Joyo Plant Operation Management Expert Tool system named JOYPET has developed with the aim of confirming the stable and safety operation of JOYO and improving operational reliability in future FBR plants.New JOYPET system was designed and manufactured in 2002, and began or operation in 2003, because the former system, which was designed in 1988 and operated from 1991 to 2002, was superannuated, and it was difficult to obtain alternative hardwares and replace parts.The difference between the former one and the later new one was adopted the web-online system to use lan(Lacal area network) instead of the host and the terminal computer processing system.Then the new system enabled to take unitary document management for reactor operation, and each person in one's rost was able to search, refer and wake document on line directly.This document reported new JOYPET system design, manufacturing, system constitution and operation actual result.



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