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Report No.

Analysis on the fuel cycle requirements of the FR systems

Maki, Takashi*; Horiuchi, Nobutake*

The functions of the nuclear fuel cycle amount analysis code, developed in 2003 were extended. This code is a program that calculates the change in characteristics with time of mass balance (for example, the amount of natural uranium demand, plutonium mass balance, environmental load reduction, etc.) in a nuclear fuel cycle, to examine the state of future reactor types or recycling facilities. In 2003, as for this code, functions of changing FBR characteristics, calculation functions of automatic adjustment of FBR reprosseing facility capacity, recovery MA recycling, were added, and the I/O function was improved according to it. Moreover, benchmark calculation to the extended amount analysis code was performed, and it was confirmed that mass balance was calculated appropriately. Furthermore, the mass balance of a few typical FR cycle concepts was calculated in this analysis code, and the feature of each concept was clarified.



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