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Report No.

Periodic Safety Review of the Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO; Review of Aging Management

Isozaki, Kazunori ; Ogawa, Toru; Nishino, Kazunari; Kaito, Yasuaki; Ichige, Satoshi ; Sumino, Kozo ; Suto, Masayoshi ; Kawahara, Hirotaka ; Suzuki, Toshiaki; Takamatsu, Misao ; Sakaba, Hideo; Maeda, Yukimoto

Periodic safety review (Review of the aging management) which consisted of Technical review on aging for the safety related structures, systems and components and Establish a long term maintenance program was carried out up to April 2005.1. Technical review on aging for the safety related structures, systems and components It was technically confirmed to prevent the loss of function of the safety related structures, systems and components due to aging phenomena, which (1) irradiation damage, (2) corrosion, (3) abrasion and erosion, (4) thermal aging, (5) creep and fatigue, (6) Stress Corrosion Cracking, (7) insulation deterioration and (8) general deterioration, under the periodic monitoring or renewal of them 2. Establish a long term maintenance program The long term maintenance program during JPY2005 to 2014 were established based on the technical review on aging for the safety related structures, systems and components. It was evaluated that the inspection or renewal based on the long term maintenance program, in addition to the spontaneous inspection long-term schedule of the long term voluntary inspection plan, could prevent the loss of function of the safety related structures, systems and components in future.



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