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ヘリウムガス冷却大型高速炉・被覆粒子窒化物燃料炉心の設計検討(六角ブロック型概念炉心); 2004年度報告

Feasibility Study of Large-Scale Helium GFR employing Coated Particle Fuel (Design Study of Hexagonal Matrix-Block Fuel Assembly Cores); Annual Report of JFY2004

岡野 靖; 相田 達也; 水野 朋保

Okano, Yasushi; Aida, Tatsuya; Mizuno, Tomoyasu


He-cooled fast reactor employing coated-particle nitride fuel has been taken an interest as a part of feasibility study projects in JNC. Hexagonal-block fuel assembly configuration has been considered as a candidate, where mass of CPs packed in a SiC matrix are indirectly cooled using ascending flow in penetrating tubes. This manuscript describes technical keys for neutronics/thermal-hydraulics performance enhancements of the hexagonal-block fuel concepts, and the best-to-date core designs for taking the feasibility study Phase-II qualification, as an annual report of JFY2004.



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