※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Generation of runaway electrons induced by radon progeny products in thunderstorm electric fields and the initiation of lightning discharges


徐 陽

Yang, X.


$$gamma$$ ray dose-rate increases associated with winter thunderstorm activities have been observed in the coastal areas facing the Sea of Japan. In order to investigate the generation of energetic photons which originate in thunderstorm electric fields, we have calculated the behaviour of electrons and photons in electric fields with Monte Carlo method. In case of the calculation for the energetic electron emitted in the atmosphere, the electron and photon fluxes have increased greatly in the region with a strong electric field. Then, we have carried out the Monte Carlo transport calculations of the beta and $$gamma$$ rays emitted by radon progeny products, as a source of energetic electrons, in thunderstorm electric fields. From the calculated results, it is confirmed that the electron flux shows notable increases in the strong electric field, while the photon flux does not fluctuate significantly.



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