※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Influence of Fault on the Anisotropy of Pore Structure and Permeability in Granite, Tono Area, Central Japan


大西 智恵美; 上原 真一*; 溝口 一生*; 嶋本 俊彦*

not registered; Uehara, Shinichi*; not registered; not registered


The effect of micro-cracks on the transport properties of granite is studied using laser scanning microscope. 3D images of pore structure show the influence on the porosity and permeability. Anisotropy of micro-cracks are observed on two different directions in respect to the main structure. Results on permeability show a decreases by a factor of one to two order of magnitude in the direction parallel to the fault zone. In the conference will be discussed the implications of anisotropy of micro-cracks on the transport properties in crystalline rocks.



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