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Report No.

Direct Extraction of Uranium and Plutonium from Oxide Fuel using TBP-HNO$$_{3}$$Complex for Super-DIREX Process

Kamiya, Masayoshi ; Miura, Sachiko ; Nomura, Kazunori  ; Koyama, Tomozo; Ogumo, Shinya*; Mori, Yukihide*; Enokida, Yoichi*

Super-DIREX is a new reprocessing method which has high economical efficiency. Experimental study of this process was started on the direct extraction of U and Pu from irradiated MOX fuel by the supercritical carbon dioxide (SFCO$$_{2}$$) containing TBP-HNO$$_{3}$$ complex. This report describes direct extraction of U and Pu with TBP-HNO3 complex at atmospheric pressure, as the first test for irradiated fuel, in order to investigate the applicability of SFCO$$_{2}$$ containing TBP-HNO$$_{3}$$ complex. In this test, dependency on dissolution temperature, Pu content, fuel/ TBP-HNO$$_{3}$$ complex ratio and effect of voloxidation were investigated. From these results, TBP-HNO$$_{3}$$ complex was found to be effective in the respect of the recovery of U and Pu. The number of the process step in dissolution and co-extraction is small, and amount of waste can be reduced. It is applicable to the direct extraction in Super-DIREX.



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