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Report No.

Cross section of thermal-neutron capture reaction by$$^{99}$$Tc

Furutaka, Kazuyoshi  ; Harada, Hideo   ; Nakamura, Shoji  ; Kato, Toshio; Fujii, Toshiyuki*; Yamana, Hajimu*; Raman, S.*

Results of a series of study are presented to accurately determine cross section of$$^{99}$$Tc(n,gamma)$$^{100}$$Tc reaction for thermal neutron. An activation method in which $$gamma$$ rays in$$^{100}$$Ru are analyzed, as well as an analysis of ground-state transitions in$$^{100}$$Tc are employed. To reduce uncertainties of the results in an activation method, an attempt was made to determine $$gamma$$-ray emission probabilities accurately. Though accuracies of the results were improved, the uncertainties are still larger than the requested values. Possible improvements are suggested.



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