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Report No.

Concentrations and their ratios od $$^{222}$$Rn decay products in rainwater measured by $$gamma$$-ray spectrometry using a low-background Ge detector

Takeyasu, Masanori ; Iida, Takao*; Tsujimoto, Tadashi*; Yamasaki, Keizo*; Ogawa, Yoshihiro*

The concentrations of $$^{214}$$Pb and $$^{214}$$Bi in rainwater was measured by a low background Ge detector. The concentrations of $$^{214}$$Pb and $$^{214}$$Bi were inverse relations with rainfall rate in some rainfall events, and the concentration ratio of $$^{214}$$Bi to $$^{214}$$Pb would be a weak inverse relation with rainfall rate. The model was considered about the scavenging effects of rainfall to Radon decay products, and those results were discussed with the model.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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