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Computational study on multi-phase reacting flow of sodium-water reactionin liquid metal fast reactor

Takata, Takashi; Yamaguchi, Akira

A numerical simulation method of multi-phase reacting flow (SERAPHIM code)has been developed to investigate a detail mechanism of sodium-water reaction(SWR)phenomena in a steam generator of liquid metal fast reactor A compressible multi-fluidand one-pressure model is multi-phase calculation and pressure and velocity fieds are updated simultaneously by HSMAC method. Two types of SWR models are considered in the SERAPHIM code;one is a surface reaction and the other is a gas phase reaction. The surface reaction model assumes that water vapor reacts with the liquid sodium at gas-liquid interface. A chemical reaction heating vaporizes liquid sodium resulting in a chemical reaction in gas phase. Overall reactions are taken into account as the phase reaction model. The reaction rates are described by



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