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Report No.

Corrosion Behavior of High Chromium Martensitlc Steel in LBE

Aoto, Kazumi ; Nishi, Yoshihisa*; Furukawa, Tomohiro  

One of the vital issues to realize the lead-bismuth eutectics cooled fast reactor is to develop the proper protection of both structural and core materials from the LBE corrosion, especially at higher temperature than 600 $$^{circ}$$C. In this work, a high chromium martensitic stainless steel (ASME P122) as a promising candidate of structural materials for LBE cooled FR was investigated to understand its corrosion behavior in stagnant LBE at 650 $$^{circ}$$C under continuously controlled oxygen potentials. The specimens exposed to LBE up to 4,000h were analyzed by optical and chemical viewpoint to investigate the structure of the oxide layer and the behavior of main alloy elements in the steel. At higher temperature beyond the temperature range to from magnetite stably, the most outer iron-rich oxide was dissolved into LBE even under the proper controlled oxygen potential. And the diffusion area beneath the oxide was also dissolved into LBE after some time. However, based on the observation results, it is



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