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Report No.

Separation of Rare Metal Fission Products in Radioactive Wastes in New Directions of Their Utilization

Ozawa, Masaki; Suzuki, Tatsuya*; Koyama, Shinichi  ; Fujii, Yasuhiko*

Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) developed the remote monitoring system (RMS) for NDA data with Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) under the JNC/DOE agreement on cooperation of safeguards. The purpose of this development is to improve the efficiency of safeguards activities for both the operator and the inspector. To achieve this purpose, JNC and LANL initiated RMS hardware and software and performed field trial by using Plutonium Canister Assay System (PCAS), which is unattended NDA system installed in the feed storage at Plutonium Fuel Production Facility (PFPF). The development of the RMS for NDA data has been already completed and this system will be implemented for inspection use through the final operational tests by 2004.JNC plans to expand the developed RMS into the entire facility by integration it with other unattended NDA systems and containment and surveillance (C/S) systems at PFPF. By this expansion, impact on facility operation will be vastly reduced under the comprehensive safeguards agreement. Furthermore, the remote monitoring technology will contribute to establishment of the integrated safeguards approach, which is the new safeguards approach to improve efficiency of safeguards, as one of the important technologies.This paper shows the future plan of the RMS at PFPF and its expected effect.



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