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Whole region analysis for sodium-heated steam generator including cover gas volume


堺 公明; 伊藤 啓; 山口 彰; 岩崎 隆*

Sakai, Takaaki; Ito, Kei; Yamaguchi, Akira; Iwasaki, Takashi*


Numerical analysis method for a sodium-heated steam generator (SG) was developed for thermal-hydraulics evaluation of the whole region in SG including a cover gas volume. Two-dimensional analysis method for the SG (MSG code) was modified to extend to the cover gas region. In order to verify the calculated temperature profile in the cover gas region, three-dimensional analysis by the Fluent-3D code was performed for the cover gas region. In addition, shroud temperatures measured at the SG in the prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR)



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