Development of Ultrasonic Flow Meter for Liquid Lead-Bismuth Flow
平林 勝; 近藤 正聡*; 荒 邦章 ; 高橋 実*
Hirabayashi, Masaru; Kondo, Masatoshi*; Ara, Kuniaki; Takahashi, Minoru*
In Pb-Bi Cooled Direct Contact Boiling Water Small Fast Reactor, PBWFR, a development of a primary loop flow meter is required. Since an electromagnetic flow meter is not better suited to an annular channel geometry such as the primary loop of PBWFR, an ultrasonic flow meter to measure the velocity of Pb-Bi has been developed.An ultrasonic transit-time method is applied to the flow velocity measurement. To evaluate the flow velocity in this method, the sound velocity in Pb-Bi is required. Therefore the sound velocity in Pb-Bi was measured at the temperature range from 187 to 407C and the experimental correlation equation of the sound velocity was derived. An ultrasonic flow meter which consisted of the high-temperature sensors and the signal processor was developed and manufactured on trial. The piezoelectric element of the sensor was lithium niobate. The sensor was heated up to 500C and the heat resistance was confirmed. The shoe, i.e. the material wetted by Pb-Bi, of the sensor was made from high-chrome steel. The in-water and the in-Pb-Bi tests were performed and the applicability of the ultrasonic flow meter was verified.