Scaling laws for thermal-hydraulic phenomena in FBR system under natural circulation decay heat removal condition
家田 芳明 ; 上出 英樹 ; 大島 宏之
Ieda, Yoshiaki; Kamide, Hideki; Ohshima, Hiroyuki
Scaling laws for thermal hydraulic phenomena in FBR system under naturalcirculation decay heat removal condition have been studied. One-dimensional and three-dimensional mass, momentum and energy conservatin equation have been used for derivation of scaling criteria. On the basis of the scaling criteria, requirements for experimental system used for investigation into natural circulation phenomena have been pointed out. Adequate assignment of sodium and water experiments have been also disscussed. As for as plant dynamics under the transition from forced to natural circulation is cocerned, adequate assignment of experiments are as follows: (1)Water experiments (a)Experiments for thermal-hydraulic phenomena solely in the primary system should be conducted. (b)One should lay stress on the investigation into phenomena in the plena. (c)One-twentieth model test and much larger model test should be carried out and should be compared each other. (d)Simulated fuel pins and heat transfer tubes should be made of high thermal diffusivity material and gived and received heat by working fluid under the transient condition should be simulated correctly. (2)Sodium experiments (a)Heat transport system from core to heat sink should be simulated. (b)One should lay stress on the investigation into coupling effect between primary and secondary system. (c)The similar figure model more than one-fourth scale or the exact size model only in the axial direction is available. (d)For the one-forth model, Reynolds number and Peclet number are one order smaller than those for the reality. However, other non-dimensional numbers of the model are almost equal to those of the reality.