※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

大型FBRにおける原子炉容器上部プレナムガス巻込み防止の検討; 部分ディッププレートの検討

Investigation of preventive measure of gas entrainment phenomena for large-scale FBR; Investigation of partially dip plate

村松 壽晴; 村田 正幸*; 家田 芳明 ; 山口 彰; 永田 敬; 菅原 悟

Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Murata, Masayuki*; Ieda, Yoshiaki; Yamaguchi, Akira; Nagata, Takashi; Sugawara, Satoru


In-vessel thermohydraulic analysis with multi-purpose three-dimensional code AQUA as conducted for transient simulating a pump coast down and reactor scram (manual reactor trip event) to confirm efficiency of partially dip plate equipments in a large-scale fast breeder reactor. Throught the analysis using the AQUA code and the discussion based on their results, the following results have been obtained: [Sodium Surface Velocity] Maximum surface velocity is 0.33m/s in the condition of D=0.75m and W=1.905m. The velocity is the same as that or the MONJU reactor. [Thermal Stratification] Maximum axial temperature gradient 445$$^{circ}$$C/m was calculated. The gradient is nearly equal to the results in the MONJU reactor. [Main Loop Temperature Transient] Maximum temperature transients at the outlet nozzle of reactor vessel was -0.51$$^{circ}$$C/s. [Circumferential Temperature Gradient] Maximum circumferential temperature gradient at the neighborhood of reactor vessel was 67$$^{circ}$$C/m. The gradient is equivalent to five times of that when a partially dip plate is not adopted.



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