プラント動特性解析コードSuper-COPDの開発; もんじゅ総合機能試験データによる検証
Development of plant dynamics analysis code Super-COPD; Validation by MONJU function test
大滝 明
; 宮川 明
; 仲井 悟
Ohtaki, Akira; Miyakawa, Akira; Nakai, Satoru
The modular integrated plant dynamics analysis code "Super-COPD" is being developed. The validation of the code by using the MONJU functional test data was carried out to evaluate the accuracy of the calculation models and the validation results that had been carried out by using scale model test data. The procedure of the validation was as follows: (1)Setting up of the MONJU system data. The plant system data were set up by the tests data. (2)Refinement of the I/O. An input/output program for the MONJU test data was added to the code. (3)Evaluation of the test data. The test data to be used for the validation and program module to be validated were identified. The intermediate heat exchanger (IHX), steam generator (SG) and auxiliary cooling system (ACS) were selected as validation components. (4)Validation. The performance of some components was evaluated. The calculation and modification of the code were carried out. The following results were obtained. (1)IHX. The recommended calculation mesh number and plenum heat capacity and the items to be validated by the start up test were obtained. (2)SG. The recommended heat loss, validity of plenum model and the effectiveness of the flow rate to the thermal calculation were confirmed. A new model for the change of effective flow area in the SG may be needed at very low flow rate. (3)ACS. The ACS thermal/hydraulics were evaluated. The accuracy of air cooler thermal/hydraulics models, interlock/control system models, vane/blower models were validated. The accuracy of the calculation models and the validation results by using scale models was confirmed. Validation of the code using the start up test results under power operation is scheduled.