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Report No.

MCDAT; A preprocessor to ganerate data for Monte Carlo Codes

Fletcher, J. K.

A preprocessor for the Monte Carlo Codes VIM and MVP is described in which geometric and compositional data are used to generate the complex and lengthy files of input information required to specify the models found in fast reactor studies. Further, in using Monte Carlo methods users must have knowledge of combinatorial geometry and the Boolean algebra techniques necessary to generate complicated structures from basic shapes. Most reactor physicists are not familiar with such procedures and even if they are, to set up or modify models tends to be tedious and error prone work. As stated the preprocessor requires only geometric dimensions and material compositions to be input and then performs all the logical operations necessary to produce input files for VIM or MVP. As a consequence models can be easily modified to increase detail or introduce new regions for editing purposes. Also use has been made of free format data reading routines so that keywords can be utilized to clarify and provide flexibility in data preparation thus relieving users from carefully observing prescribed layouts. Because only geometric and composition information is required by the preprocessor, data files become very compact compared to the actual Monte Carlo input. For example around 200 lines of preprocessor data are needed for the MASURCA assembly specification but a file of 3000 lines is generated as the VIM input. It should be stressed that the data for VIM and MVP differs only in the keyword which specifies the Monte Carlo code input to be created.



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