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 年 ~ 

Benchmark exercise for multi-dimensional thermohydraulic analysis codes; Buoyancy driven penetration flow phenomena and thermal stratification

多次元熱流動解析コードの国際ベンチマーク; 浮力による潜り込み現象と温度成層化現象について

上出 英樹 ; 家田 芳明 ; 小林 順 ; 二ノ方 壽

Kamide, Hideki; Ieda, Yoshiaki; Kobayashi, Jun; Ninokata, Hisashi


A benchmark exercise for multi-dimensional thermohydralinc codes was carried out related to natural convection decay heat removal in liquid metal-cooled fast breeder reactors. A total of twelve computational methods were applied to the benchmark problem which simulated mixed forced and buoyancy driven penetration flow and thermal stratification phenomena. The applicability of turbulence models and higher order schemes of convection terms, was examined, and a combined method incorporating a higher order scheme and a turbulence model was found to be highly effective among the group of finite difference methods. The importance of turbulence models was also recognized for the finite element method. Development of a turbulence model applicable to the mixed convection flow regime was also discussed.



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