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 年 ~ 


Improvement of single-phase subchannel analysis code ASFRE-III; Modification of fuel pin heat conduction model

成田 均; 大島 宏之

Narita, Hitoshi; Ohshima, Hiroyuki


In the safety assessment of fast reactors, the evaluation of thermal hydraulic phenomena in a locally blocked fuel subassembly and in a deformed fuel pin bundle is one of most important issues from the viewpoint of the integrity of the fuel pin and it requires to predict temperature distribution in the fuel pin including the cladding tube. In this study, the fuel pin heat conduction model of single-phase subchannel analysis code ASFRE-III, which has been developed at PNC, was modified to treat multi-dimensional heat conduction phenomena in the fuel pins under specific conditions, e.g., a fuel pin partially contacted with porous blockage. In the discretization of three-dimensional heat conduction equation, the heat conduction term in the radial and peripheral directions was implicitly treated as the same way of the original model. The ones in the axial and peripheral directions were explicitly discreted considering both the difference of the time constant between flow and heat conduction and the efficiency of the algorizum modification. This model can calculate not only three-dimensional heat conduction in a fuel pin but also each direction effect separately only by selecting the related flag in the input data. The model verification was made through the analysis of thermal hydraulic phenomena in a locally blocked subassembly.



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