Large-scaled thermohydraulic tests plan for cooling systems in fast reactors; Experimental models of reactor vessel and the primary cooling system
Kamide, Hideki ; Hayashi, Kenji; Gunji, Minoru; Hayashida, Hitoshi ; Nishimura, Motohiko; Iitsuka, Toru; Kimura, Nobuyuki; Tanaka, Masaaki ; Nakai, Satoru; Mochizuki, Hiroyasu; Sakakibara, Yasuhide
Large-scaled thermohydraulic tests are planned for some new key technologies in the heat transport systems of demonstration fast reactors, in which the reactor vessel, the primary system, the secondary system, water-steam system, and the decay heat removal systems are modeled. Thermohydraulic issues and structural integrity issues were discussed for the top entry piping systems with satellite pools of the intermediate heat exchangers and the pumps, the natural circulation decay heat removal using direct heat exchangers in a reactor hot pool, the reactor vessel wall cooling system, and the new type of steam generators in the demonstration reactor. Concepts of the experimental model for the reactor vessel and the primary system were created and compared with each other for the sodium test facility which enables to answer the thermohydraulic and structural integrity issues. Following items were considered in the creation and in the selection of the models; (1)solution of the issues for Demonstration First Reactor on total system characteristics, the reactor vessel wall cooling system, the decay heat removal system, and the steam generator, (2)balance between the thermohydraulic issues and the structural integrity issues, (3)simulations of compound phenomena and interactions between the components and the heat transport systems. Total system of test facility was specified based on the selected test model.