Development of NRESP98 Monte Carlo codes for the calculation of neutron response functions of neutron detectors; Calculation of the response function of spherical BF proportional counter
Hashimoto, Makoto ; Saito, Kei; Ando, Hideki
The method to calculate the response function of spherical BF proportional counter; which is commonly used as neutron dose rate meter and neutron spectrometer with multi moderator system, is developed. As the calculation code for evaluating the response function, the existing code series NRESP, the Monte Carlo code for the calculation of response function of neutron detectors, is selected. However, the application scope of the existing NRESP is restricted, the NRESP98 is tuned as generally applicable code, with expansion of the geometrical condition, the applicable element, ete. The NRESP98 is tested with the response function of the spherical BF proportional counter. Including the effect of the distribution of amplification factor, the detailed evaluation of the charged particle transportation and the effect of the statistical distribution, the result of NRESP98 calculation fit the experience within 10%.