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Report No.

Ultraviolet photolysis of urine for suppression of color quenching prior to liquid scintillation counting of tritium

Watanabe, Yoko ; Kuwabara, Jun 

In order to reduce the color quenching in the measurement of tritium in urine by liquid scintillation counter (LSC), ultraviolet (UV) irradiation was applied to decompose the organic substances in the sample. Urine was decolorized under UV irradiation in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. As a result, color quenching was considerably suppressed and higher counting efficiency of tritium was obtained. This UV treatment made it possible to increase the urine content in the sample from 2% to 40%(v/v) without significant decrease of counting efficiency. Either higher sensitivity or shorter analysis time was achieved in the tritium measurement by the augumentation of urine content. When the measurement time was 30 min, the detection limit of tritium defined as 3s was 0.03 Bq/ml. At the expense of some sensitivity (set at detection limit of 0.3 Bq/ml), the measurement time was shortened to 0.5 min. These results will make a great improvement to routine tritium monitoring as well as to emergency monitoring in mass tritium exposure.



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Category:Biochemical Research Methods



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